Friday, July 31, 2009

some poses

here are some fast poses.
I referenced the comic book "Gaston Lagaffe" by André Franquin

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I can just say one thing about preston Blair well ecaly 2 because 1 is that i mis spelled his name in the image here under

and 2 that he ia an great artist...for me LOTS of practices needed

And the other drawings are from a comic book of Alfred j Kwak

drawn by Harald Siepermann (caracthers)
and Hans bacher (backgrounds) and written by a dutch guy called Herman van Veen

Great stuff to grow up whit


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I did these drawings some day's back but I forgot i had it. These are also hand made and not whit my asome tablet so enjoy some midevil techniques

Thats it for today more tomorow

Monday, July 27, 2009


here are some sillouets i did

preston blair squirl

Yes i tryed to make a squirl from the preston blair book

but it was MUTCH harder than i expected
There stil has to be more wait in to the body and work in the face
another blair drawing for tomorow
and tonight I think i go and focus on sillouets
so more will follow later on

My first drawings

First i Started to whit a warm up (circles and lines and so on will not bother you whit those)
after that I gave a shot of a preston blair drawing
Lost of mistakes in it but practis will learn

and than i did a practice after looking at a post of peter on his teaching blog

Great blog Great teacher

Hope i kinda understand the balans (lot harder than it looks)

I hope you give me some nice critisme

Start of my practice blog

Hi you all,

I have deside to start a practice blog.
And no i don't mean that I will practice blogging but put my practice drawing on here.
I do this to get critisme so i can learn more than i know now.
eum my learning points are
to understand what i draw and so think when i draw
to krank up my drawing and so my animation level (stronger poses and all)
and to learn to control my tablet on my computer.

I hope you give me critisme and way's to improve

Kind regards