Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Doodels & ink

Doodels In colour,

Just schets

And Playing whit ink and brushes. (first attemd)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Head doodels

I did some head doodels
some inspired on real peaple some out of my mind

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Red Ridding Hood

Yes Fini. I made some small changes in the short but just the thing i would have done if i had a day more time. So you keep have the effect of it is done in a week. So it is almost the same.
See my new version on Youtube

So all i say is Bottums up And CHEERS.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Little Red Ridding hood

Yes it is done...well done...I can still fix things in the animation
but the storie is beeing told.

Today it was the last day of the workshop whit Andreas. I have learnt alot in this week.
In the movie I had a lot of troble whit the thinking proces of the characters. Espacaly at the moment where she starts drinking the wine. (the main question was why does she drink it.) is she sad or did she rembered what her mam said is she surpirised what the wine does?. I went that she drank out of sadness. (whit help from all the presentations we held it seemed the best way) And ofcourse What reason does the grandma take the wine from her. (the reason was made faster than the one of little red riding hood) that was She wants to drink the wine for her self.
I need to work on the animation part there for a bid MAKE IT MORE EXTREEM and i need to do the bid before it as well (different sound and a head shake) where grandma just took the wine from her and says "You should not drink this it is not good for you" and then she drinks it all.

I have had a lot of fun on the project as well. we have now a week before the final versions get burned on dvd. and Andreas said This week you should make a good movie and than make a realy good movie by the end of next week.

For now I want to thank Andreas for all his whise words of wisdom and all the great pointers he gave me. It has been a great and productif week for me.
Next week i will put the final version on youtube so you can see it in a bid better resolution. and the changes i made

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today i Have been working on my leica.
Still some things to figure out but it is mostly in the ending.
I have build my characters whit in the back of my mind
no useless information
Up coming days are for animation and sound.

Monday, September 7, 2009

And the theme is!!!

I am currently following a workshop given by Andreas Hykade.
The workshop focus on story telling. And we have to make a movie whit in a week
Deadline friday 11-sept-2009 at 16:59.
And the theme is... Little Red Ridding Hood.
today we did general story and i did a fast trow towarts character design.
I am going to animate in flash.
Tomorow we have to finhis a leica reel and the character designs
wensday start to animate and thursday sound and animate...Buisy buisy
Any how.. Here are is my Idea.
And Charaters ideas.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I tried to do a cartoony drawing of a dancer i pulled randomly of google and push the pose.
well here my result